College Entrance Examination Voluntary Filing System Based on Big Data
Ming Chen,Harbin University of Commerce
Bo Liu,Harbin University of Commerce
ZuoWei Hu,Harbin University of Commerce
The university entrance exam to college relates to whether the candidates can be accepted and if you can admit to the satisfaction of the colleges and universities and professional, it is a complex process, the examinee scores, colleges and universities should be considered, family situation and other factors. Examinees and parents attach great importance to the college entrance examination volunteer to grasp its pulse. The university entrance exam to college guidance system based on business intelligence, using SSH framework, using the enrollment data mining system, analysis of the existence of college entrance examination to college objective law and the potential factors, tailored for candidates relevant filled guidance, the greatest degree to reduce the examinee variables that exist in the college.
Volunteer reporting system. Business intelligence. The university entrance exam. Data mining
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